Photos of Benny Wenda’s visit to Sydney
Although Benny was in Sydney only 3 days he had a packed program starting on Monday 23rd with an interview on Koori Radio and two by phone with Maori Radio.
After the Koori Radio interview Benny also attended an important meeting with Geoff Scott, CEO at the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples in Redfern.
Benny was also interviewed by Ash from Punks for West Papua leading up to a terrific night by the Free West Papua Campaign Sydney to greet Benny by his supporters.
A terrific night of entertainment amazing food and speeches. An inspiring night by the Free WP Team in Sydney.
Tuesday 24th started with a special visit to the Australian Museum followed by a meeting at the Green Left Weekly.
Benny was also interviewed by RNZI
In the evening Benny introduced the Documentary Punks for Wrest Papua. Another inspiring evening.
On the Wednesday morning before leaving Sydney Benny was interviewed by Radio Australia.
Congratulations to Benny on his stamina.
Congratulations go to the Free West Papua Campaign Sydney, The Punks for West Papua and all of Benny’s supporters for their great contribution to welcoming Benny
Interview on Koori Radio 23 May

Benny and Rex interviewed by Ash, director for Punks for West Papua 23 May
Free West Papua Campaign Sydney event in Liverpool
From FWPC Sydney Facebook
Senator Lee Rhiannon
Local member for Liverpool Paul Lynch MP
Australia Museum 24 May
Green Left Weekly meeting 24 May
Benny presenting Flag
Punks for West Papua doco showing at Sydney Uni. 24 May
MP Jamie Parker
Benny and Rex with Anne Noonan from Medical Association for the Prevention of War