Info Papua

Info Papua

  • President Wenda: Mass displacement in Paniai Read more >

    President Wenda: Mass displacement in Paniai

    Indonesian state terrorism in West Papua continues. June 19, 2024 in Statement Indonesian state terrorism in West Papua continues. In the latest internal displacement, over 5000 Papuan civilians in Paniai have been forced to flee their homes by yet another Indonesian military raid. Men, women, and children have scattered, some of them hiding in the […]

  • All Eyes on Papua: President Wenda statement Read more >

    All Eyes on Papua: President Wenda statement

    June 10, 2024 in Statement For years, West Papuans have been telling the world that we are the victims of two connected crimes: genocide and ecocide. Over 500,000 Papuans have been killed since the Indonesian occupation began in the 1960s, while millions of acres of ancestral land – forests, rivers, and mountains – have been […]

  • President Wenda: May 1st is a day of occupation and bloodshed Read more >

    President Wenda: May 1st is a day of occupation and bloodshed… President Wenda: May 1st is a day of occupation and bloodshed May 1, 2024 in Statement Today, May 1st, will always be remembered as a day of terror for West Papuans, marking the beginning of Indonesia’s illegal occupation. On this day in 1963, Indonesian troops invaded our land. This was the beginning of the […]

  • President Wenda: I call on MPs to sign the Brussels Declaration Read more >

    President Wenda: I call on MPs to sign the Brussels Declaration

    January 23, 2024 in Press Release, Statement On behalf of the ULMWP and the people of West Papua, I welcome yesterday’s meeting in the European Parliament and the launch of the Brussels Declaration. The Declaration is an important document, echoing the existing calls for a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights visit to West Papua […]

  • IN MEMORIAM – LUKAS ENEMBE: A True Son of Tannah Papua Read more >

    IN MEMORIAM – LUKAS ENEMBE: A True Son of Tannah Papua

    Lukas Enembe being visited in hospital by Rev. Dorman Wandikbo of GIDI Church Give the king Your judgments, O God, And Your righteousness to the king’s Son. He will judge Your people with righteousness, And Your poor with justice. The mountains will bring peace to the people, And the little hills, by righteousness. PSALM 72 […]

  • President Wenda: Rest in Peace Governor Lukas Enembe Read more >

    President Wenda: Rest in Peace Governor Lukas Enembe

    December 27, 2023 in Statement On Behalf of the ULMWP and the West Papuan people I offer my condolences to the family of Governor Lukas Enembe. Today we remember Enembe and his legacy, as a powerful Governor who fought for West Papuan interests against the Indonesian colonial system that has been imposed on us for […]

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