Melanesia Roundup

Melanesia Roundup

  • Solomon Islands must support West Papua: Mote Read more >

    Solomon Islands must support West Papua: Mote

    Solomon Islands must support West Papua’s application to join the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) as it will create an avenue for the sub-regional group to seriously address the plight of West Papuans. Photo credit: SIBC. Solomon Islands Source: SOLOMON ISLANDS MUST SUPPORT WEST PAPUA: MOTE | SIBC

  • Benny Wenda’s article in the PNG Post Courier Read more >

    Benny Wenda’s article in the PNG Post Courier

    The following appeared as a feature in the PNG Post- Courier newspaper on 22nd May 2015. By BENNY WENDA For more than 50 years, my people have suffered a creeping genocide under a repressive Indonesian military occupation that is estimated to have claimed 500,000 West Papuan lives.In one month’s time, the eyes of the Pacific […]

  • PHOTOS: West Papuans rally for MSG membership Read more >

    PHOTOS: West Papuans rally for MSG membership

    Today the West Papuan people held rallies all over West Papua and in some Indoensian cities too, asking that West Papua come back to the Melanesian family of the Melanesian Spearhead Group. The people of West Papua put their trust in the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) to represent them within the MSG […]

  • West Papuans help in post-cyclone rebuilding efforts Read more >

    West Papuans help in post-cyclone rebuilding efforts

    Secretary General of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Mr Octovanius Mote, handing over the copy of the bank transfers to Prime Minister Joe Natuman, of the funds raised by West Papuans in Papua. It was during one of these fundraise efforts by West Papuans to help Vanuatu that Indonesian police allegedly shot […]

  • 3rd illegal Indonesian military incursion into PNG Read more >

    3rd illegal Indonesian military incursion into PNG

    *PNG border on alert as 2 Indonesian military jets cross the border and fly into PNG airspace* This is at least the 3rd illegal Indonesian military incursion into PNG this year and shows that Indonesia feels that it can do whatever it likes in Melanesia without any respect. From PNG Loop “Wutung elders have confirmed […]

  • Rally to be held in Kanaky for West Papua 16-05-2015 Read more >

    Rally to be held in Kanaky for West Papua 16-05-2015

    Kanaky/New Caledonia Melanesian solidarity for West Papua day tomorrow Please join here Following rallies in every Melanesian country supporting West Papua joining the Melanesian Spearhead Group, the people of Kanaky/New Caledonia will be holding a solidarity day for West Papua tomorrow.  We would like to thank all brothers and sisters in Kanaky/New Caledonia or this […]

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